Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crystal sands glitch

Yay my computer is back up! Anyway here are the steps. (With pictures!)
First stand next to the blue beach ball:
You should see two slides from there. Click the one that's circled:
 While your running towards it QUICKLY click the SAME animal your using:
Remember: Quickly! And don't switch to a new animal it lags your computer! Oh and like my bunny?
While running click the first slide:
WARMING: This will take more then once unless your lucky! Don't get frustrated so soon!
You should start running up the slide!


  1. Can you please post the way right now??

  2. I'm sorry, I don't know the current Skyways glitch for Crystal sands, just the old one.

  3. can you post a picture of where to stand to get up on the glitch? Please my user is jacg7!
