Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nomday Party

Coming up is the most wackiest, random, monkey-go-happy, xylophone, random, crazy, sheepish, xylophone event of all time! NOMDAY! Dress up in your wackiest, random, monkey-go-happy, xylophone, random, crazy, xylophone outfit.
WHEN? Why, May 5th, Saturday, at 2:00 P.M Central Time
WHERE? Meh den 
WHY? It's Nomday!
I hope that's enough information for ya. Tell me if there's a problem or your busy that time and I'll reschedule it. See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Now that sounds like my kind of party!!!!!!!
    But I don't know if I can make a karate competition in real life to go to......
