Saturday, April 28, 2012

Story Blog

I made a new story blog about raccoons! To see it go here:
You can sign up to be in the story, but only for LIMITED TIME. For some reason all the story blogs I make I end up deleting them....So yea, I'm going to try to make this one better.

Nomday Party

Coming up is the most wackiest, random, monkey-go-happy, xylophone, random, crazy, sheepish, xylophone event of all time! NOMDAY! Dress up in your wackiest, random, monkey-go-happy, xylophone, random, crazy, xylophone outfit.
WHEN? Why, May 5th, Saturday, at 2:00 P.M Central Time
WHERE? Meh den 
WHY? It's Nomday!
I hope that's enough information for ya. Tell me if there's a problem or your busy that time and I'll reschedule it. See ya!

Duckeh Pillow .3.

AJHQ has yet again come up with a random and extremely pointless pet item. 
 You have to admit, that's about as random as it can get, right? WRONG.
I think I'mma make a new signature too.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Diamond Phantom and Clearance

In Epic Wonders you can get a Diamond Phantom for 7500 gems.
Wow, expensive. 030
Here's a list of clearance items that will be gone tomorrow.
STAR GLASSES(Jam Mart Clothing)
FLOWER GLASSES(Jam Mart Clothing)
SNOWMAN(Jam Mart Furniture)
TEA POTS(Jam Mart Furniture)
CAT BANNER(Jam Mart Furniture)
That's all of them in Jam Mart Furniture and Jam Mart Clothing...This is really all I have time for! Hope that helped with your clearance shopping.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Interview with Hope4meg

Here's an interview with hope4meg^^

Monday, April 16, 2012

Warriors Role play is back. . .

Yea, I brought my role play back it's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! I may be missing somethings, I'm still working on something thought so BE PATIENT! I hope ya join though! Sorry for not posting. . .not like you care. See the role play at Yea, so bye. >.<

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fan Art for GreatShot

No, my goal wasn't to show-off when I made this, I don't even think it's that good. :/ She's suppose to be Fernstream, but she looks more like a tom. x3 Sorry for not posting very much, I think my authors are all to busy, or have better blogs to post on. D:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finally an update post from lazy me. . .

Sorry about the slow posting. .-. But anyway, here it is!
 A new format? Which one do you like better? The old or new Jamaa Journal? I like this one-it's more organized and easier to find the things you looking for.
There a new game called "Ducky Dash". It's found in Coral Canyons.
 And there's a new party called "The Atlantis Party. . ."
A new Jam-O-Gram is available too in honor of the new bunnies!
It's animated too. :P
I know-I haven't posted in FOREVER! I'm going to try to post more often now-I still do blogging, but it's mostly on different topics though.^^ I'm having a Party soon-Nomday! I'll post the schedule soon, until then have fun on the new updates!

Monday, April 9, 2012

rare monday: wizard hat and hi!

also this is me! my catchphrase is Don't Be Dramaatic ;) my username is tigerlilycoke. one of my favorite things to do on  The computer is make banners! Here is a simple and easy one that i use a lot but i have bunches! If you want one just visit my blog! Click here to see my blog! <3

Friday, April 6, 2012

Floating Cocoa

I know this glitch has been around for a long time, but I saw another floating  Cocoa!

I know this works with Smoothies, too. I wonder what causes these?


Sorry, I haven't posted since I showed you the new authors. D: But I'm here now to show you what's new!
In the Horses Only Party you can finally get a Bonnet Hat:
Yea, I'm not posting as much I noticed. I joined ThunderClan a while ago and that's where I mostly am.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

GreatShot Here!

Heya, jammers!
Guess who I am? Well, I bet you can tell by the title that I'm the one and only GreatShot. I'd like to thank Hamishcat for making me an author for her blog! I'd love to help out with everything I can.
Here is my main animal!

My main pet is next to me, Rivercat. Anyways, I'll be helping Hamishcat post on her blog.
Have a jammin' good time!

Spino11, here!

Hey Jammers!
Guess who it is? The one... The only... Spino11!
Yes, yes, stop the applause, no pictures please.
Hamishcat has been kind enough to grant me author privileges on her blog! Thanks!
I'll do the best I can, and promise not to break any of Hamish's rules. I will also be using my NEW signature so you know who I am ^^
That's all for now!
Jam on!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Authors!

We have three new authors, who I just sent invitations to! *Drum roll*
Yay! Thanks to all who sighed up though, Sign ups are still open and you can still have a go if you'd like.^^
And wolveslive, I've sent an email to you asking you to contribute to my new Warriors Blog. Again, thanks! 

New Contests page

Time for this blog to have it's first contest! Go to the "Contests" page to enter now. Winners will have screen shots of their den put in a slide show along with their Animal Jam username. To learn more click "contests". Good luck, and thanks for 14 followers!

Monday, April 2, 2012

UpPeRcAsE, gLiTcH And Monthly Gift

I've noticed a small glitch lately.
Try typing something like this:
Now send it and see what happens to it now.
And we got the Monthly Gift too_ Check out Animal Jam's Post!
Okay, so it was a trick! They really got me.^^

Rare Tiara

In Jam Mart Clothing, the Monday Rare is a "Rare" Tiara.
Don't forget;you can still apply to become an author!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Coral Canyon Skyways

My friend Selfdestructo thought me this awesome skyways glitch and I want to teach it to you all.^^
First stand here
Now click under Best Dressed
Now click on someone and select "buddy games" quickly click Scooped and cancel
Now you should run right onto the Coral Canyons waterfall!