Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Updates!

This has got to be the coolest update EVER! First of all, the monthly gift is ELF TAIL ARMOR!
They released some March Items_
And in the Den Shop they have A SNOW FORT DEN! What an awesome den for penguins!

I got one myself!
The bottom floor_
 A top floor_
Then there's this cool thing with a blizzard that makes you in that bluish glow! If you wait long enough, you'll be ICE!
There's new Jam-O-Grams_
Jamma is dressed in clovers and green EVERYWHERE!

1 comment:

  1. Elf armor?? I thought that was a bejeweled slug! Ice fort is very cooooooooooooolll!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to try one out and turn into a tiggerkat ice sculpture!!
